Joining The Dark and Divine Feminine Energy

My earliest memory of “energy” is an extract from a former classmate of mine’s school speech; ”energy cannot be created or destroyed”.

Upon a google search, there are 3 top definitions;
1 – the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity
2 – power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines
3 – the property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules)

When you put ‘spiritual’ before this noun, it is defined to be a Universal life force that encompasses everything in existence.

Feminine Energy can be described as the yin recipient of universal existence. Unlike the Masculine Energy of yang; doing, go-getting, goal seeking, giving energy – Feminine Energy is about being, acceptance, and receiving. The Feminine energy is passive, agreeable, and accomodating while the Masculine Energy is active and about being in control.

embrace the whole of you

Everyone has Masculine and Feminine Energy. These have nothing to do with sexuality or gender, and there is a balanced out percentage in everyone which can change per circumstance, age, environment, or other factors – be it 28% masc and 72% femme, 50-50% or 40-60%, it is unique with everyone. I will gladly get into Masculine Energy on a separate post.

To balance out life – the true essence of spirituality in being alive is not all love and light. There are periods of darkness. This is the winter part of life’s season often disguised as the loss of a loved one, hard times with keeping up, any sort of illness or financial difficulties, to name a few. This often requires shadow work to get through. The Shadow Work of life cannot be ignored and it takes a warrior spirit to work through it.

Shadow Work is deliberately choosing to look at the cons and sour things about life before they abruptly happen. Journalling is often a huge part of Shadow Work because writing is a useful way of getting your ideas and thoughts into a tangible format. Zoleka (user:nomindnomad) and I went through these here on Instagram.

Types of Shadow Work can be;

  • sitting to journal on your thoughts
  • thorougly contemplating life, life after death, life without the people dearest to you, life not turning out the way you assume it must.
  • sleeping/intentional deep rest
  • solitude seasons
  • taking time off social media
  • fasting
  • days of silence/not speaking
  • screaming/yelling
  • crying
  • venting
  • letting yourself eat whatever you want

Another form of Shadow Work can include talking; this can be opening a conversation with your friends about what your toxic traits are and asking for their thoughts on how you can better manage that, speaking up to your parents about the abuse you feel from them, or speaking to yourself in the mirror as a third person narrating what you do not like and what can be done about that as well as what you are willing to actually do and do and how to go about that.

It is essential to have a solution-based closing with Shadow Work because the point is for a better feeling outcome, even if the solution may sometimes turn out having simply done the work. And that nothing visibly changes; the change to your mindset can be all you need sometimes. It’s about out the feeling.

The Center of Excellence explains Shadow Work as an introspective psychological practice that anyone can do and can lead to a more fulfilling life. They continue to say that when working with the shadow, you may have moments of awakening that lead to greater authenticity, creativity, and emotional freedom.

To Carl Jung, it is the techniques to work with your shadow self to reduce the negative effects that are plaguing your life and to separate the integrated parts of yourself into a single whole. The dark and light/divine Feminine Energies are just two sides of one coin.

Light work is not any less heavy than Shadow work. Both of these energies can be utilized to your benefit. The wounded feminine energy gets healed to enable you to conceive fruitful things into your life. Without healing those wounds you are attached, clingy, lack confidence, have low self-esteem, get used to sex easily and use it in a negative and harmful way, rude, with a resting b face all day every day unprovoked. Unhealed feminine energy can also look like being people-pleasing, nice, stepped over, and used as a doormat.

There are positive aspects to the dark energy that can be utilized to your benefit. Dark energy can get you more assertive and keep you in your personal safe space. You are more confident and can keep your head up in a crowd, you speak with an authoritative voice which gets you respected while divinely and lightly keeping compassionate.

Conforming to being nice can just keep you away from the true you.

You are feminine even without being soft and kind, that is often your dark feminine energy. Doing the dark/shadow and light/divine work helps you get assertive and have boundaries. These also make your manifestations more powerful because wound healing is womb healing which in turn means the birthing of newness. The dark feminine energy stops people from being able to take advantage of you.

This becomes the divine feminine energy peaking because it is focused on your purpose kind of energy. The assertiveness comes with a healthy balance of kindness. Although different for many, the ruling purpose of feminine energy is the nourishing and nurturing softness that has ancient wisdom and healing forces.

When hyper-focused on your wounded feminine energy, you are also a source of pain for a lot of people. Through healing, you need to accept the whole you. This includes the parts you want to bury as well as the unaccepted parts by society and those close to you, as well as your true nature you may not fully let yourself believe, for instance, your beauty.

Divine Feminine energy comes to enhance your beauty. This can be accepting compliments, loving your most hated features, letting yourself be soft, defining what a safe space feels like for you, and letting yourself be secure in it.

More types of Light Work can look like;

  • physical beauty enhancement i.e: make-up, lashes, hair, nails, exercise
  • nourishing yourself with healthy food
  • taking supplements, minerals, and vitamins
  • spending time with family, friends, and romantic partners
  • socializing and going out to meet new people
  • business meetings
  • taking care of others be it elders, peers, children, animals, or plants
  • listening to others
  • being a shoulder to cry on
  • allowing others to come into your safe space
  • posture practice
  • breathwork/exercise

When do you let your Dark & Divine Energy reign?

Should you find yourself feeling belittled, with someone speaking over you, someone overstepping your boundaries, ignoring or disrespecting you, your Dark Feminine energy is likely to step in and protect you. You assert yourself and make sure that lines are drawn. The Divine Feminine energy aspect in this situation is likely to make sure you do so compassionately; so instead of backlashing or raging in anger, you speak up softly yet sternly enough to be taken seriously.

In terms of only your dark feminine energy, signs of needing to let it reign can be when you find yourself irritable, cranky, angry, or highly emotional. These are cues to let yourself introspect or simply just be.

When you feel social, talkative, pretty/handsome and in need of a good treat, let your Divine Feminine energy reign. Let yourself treat and feed people, draw, paint, write, color-in, dance when you feel the need to.

Both of these energies come in waves, once you get in flow you will realize that energy suppression has been doing you harm. Most of the time we suppress our energy it is because we don’t know how to express it in a helpful way. Allow yourself to tap in a re-discover how to take charge of the balanced feminine energy.

Author: Julieta Aurelio

wealthy mind, body, soul, emotion

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